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Youth Voice

  • Winter Survival Camp
    Winter Survival Camp
    January 2019

    11 McCall area students opted to spend their day off of school last Tuesday at Winter Survival camp at the Activity Barn. This is the first in a series of 4 Winter Survival camps. Campers learned about shelter building in winter survival situations! At Activity Barn employee Olivia’s knot building station, students learned how to tie knots strong enough to hold up a tent or blanket tarp. Camper Sofie appreciated that shelter idea because she said “I’m claustrophobic, so there’s no way I’d want to build a quinzee!” Earlier in the day, Camp Counselor Ashlee taught students how to make snow shelters and tunnels in the snow. Camper Cade explained that to build a quinzee, or snow shelter, in the snow that you dig in a circle, “like a moat, and put all that snow you dig out in the middle to make a mound. Then you let it sit for awhile. After that you can start digging out your shelter and it can fit a few people”. The next Winter Survival Camps might have themes of fire, avalanches, and/or winter first aid, and each day they’re fitting in games, tubing, and hot cocoa.

    More photos can be found here on our Facebook page. Don't miss out on the next 3 Winter Survival Camps-register here!